When a woman embraces her authentic self, the clarity and power gained ripple out in ways both seen and unseen, blessing life all around her.

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Personal Sessions

with Alexandra Durlene

This is an opportunity to receive in-depth personalized support on your journey. Together we will open up a safe & intentional space, and dive into anything that is present for you. I will listen and offer a wide range of tools, resources and insights using an intuitive and holistic approach.

Being lovingly witnessed in our vulnerability and authenticity brings us into the powerful softness of the feminine heart. Here, healing occurs, allowing us to awaken to and reconnect with our true nature as the magnificent, whole, sovereign beings we are destined to be. ​From this space we can tune into our unique gifts and discover how to best share them with the world, thus creating a more nourishing & fulfilling experience of life.

My work focuses on topics including:

  • reconnection with nature, intuition + instincts

  • building confidence + self-esteem

  • weaving ritual & ceremony into daily life

  • conscious pregnancy, parenting, birth, breastfeeding

  • navigating co-parenting dynamics

  • creativity + purpose

  • permaculture + sustainable living

  • sexuality, conscious dating + relating

  • anger management

  • mindful sobriety

  • leadership + circle facilitation

  • plant medicine journey preparation + integration

  • times of transition

  • women's health & empowerment

These sessions are ideal for women who are ready to commit to living a more authentic life.

What is working with Alexandra like?

Together you will definitely laugh and probably cry.

She will lovingly hold your hand and be fully at your side, validating and empowering you as you navigate literally anything & everything that is present in your life.

You will know to the core of your being that every part of you is welcomed and honored, and that you are absolutely not alone. You will leave each session feeling encouraged, inspired, and better equipped with perspective, tools & insights that will help you live from a place of greater joy and authenticity.

“I got more out of my first session with Alexandra than I got out of 3 months of therapy.”


A bit more about me, my training and experience…

I love to emphasize that I am a student of life, for life. When we fully engage and show up for this existence, there is an incredible amount of teachings available to us in all that we go through.
More officially though, I hold certifications as a Permaculture Designer, Birth Doula, Postpartum Doula, Childbirth Educator, Breastfeeding Counselor, Herbalist and Life Coach.
My additional training includes 11 years of shamanic plant medicine work, 15 years of yoga, meditation, tai chi, and perhaps most importantly, 8 years of motherhood.
I have been working as a personal coach & mentor for 8 years, and facilitating women’s circles and retreats for 9 years.

“The moment I got on my first call with Alexandra, her joyful and warm energy radiated from the screen. Her ability to hold space for her clients is unparalleled.

With Alexandra, you will be FULLY seen. She is deeply empathetic and is able to understand another’s struggles as if she were in their own shoes. She offers true friendship and high quality mentorship for healing and stepping into your true power in all areas of life.

She brought me clarity, practical guidance, and empowerment. Alexandra is a very evolved being, and is a conduit for the divine in her work.

She has many tools to share as she herself has walked a path of deep healing, entrepreneurship, motherhood, embodiment, ritual and nourishment. I highly recommend working with her.”



  • 1 Session: $77

    50 min via zoom or FaceTime.

  • 4 Sessions: $277

    50 min each. must be used within 2 months.

  • 8 Sessions: $525

    50 min each. must be used within 4 months.

  • Scholarships

    Every month I give out 4 sliding scale scholarships. If you are needing support and feel a strong YES to working together, please contact me below sharing that you are applying for a scholarship and I will get in touch. I never want lack of funds to be the reason you don’t get the support you need!



I believe in you and am here with you in this journey of self-discovery & reclamation, to hold loving space and share tools that will support you in the process of reconnecting with your true self.

"I am so grateful to Alexandra for this space that she holds with so much intention and care. I was truly only able to open & reveal myself because of Alexandra's warmth and nurturance, which allows for us all to relax into the safety and protection she holds in her body and speaks in her words. What I appreciated and needed most was the experience of feeling deeply seen and heard. Alexandra lovingly validated my human experience over and over again, giving me the permission to show up aligned with and fully in my truth. Isn't this the medicine we all crave, ultimately? To be accepted and to be told that it is okay, in fact more than okay, beautiful! To be who we are...”


“Alexandra really listened and allowed me to work through peeling back the layers of conditioning and different stories that I had previously been held back by. She held supportive space by listening, reflecting to me what I had said, and giving me tools to find ways to connect more deeply with myself, my own intuition, self-care and self-love. There’s so much work to do before the birthing process. There’s a lot that comes up in pregnancy, a lot of layers to peel back. Alexandra gave me the emotional support that I was looking for, and that was so valuable!”
