Welcome! I am so happy you are here.

I’m Alexandra, a freebirthing mother, doula, permaculture designer, and holistic life coach. I empower women to root into the wisdom of nature, grow their own food, raise highly conscious children and create lives they are absolutely in love with.

When I was 19, I sat in my first weekend of Ayahuasca ceremonies. This profound experience of awakening & remembrance led me to leaving my modeling career to focus on studying plant medicines while traveling and discovering my deeper purpose & mission in this life.

Along the journey, I met the father of my son and became pregnant. We moved deep into nature and I dove head first with my heart completely open into the initiation from maiden to mother. I birthed my son off-grid, at home in our yurt on a mountain, by the fire during a snowstorm. It was by far the most sacred and empowering experience of my life so far, and in countless ways set the tone for the work I do today.

For 9 years I have been hosting wellness retreats and teaching about intentional living, conscious parenting and women’s health & empowerment. I have studied meditation, herbalism and holistic health with many teachers from many lands for the last 15 years, and am deeply passionate about holding space for healing and growth.

When not traveling, I am based in Northern California where I raise my son, make music, grow organic gardens and facilitate circles + retreats for women who are ready to reconnect with their true selves and level up into a more enriching and fulfilling experience of life.

A bit more about my training and experience…

When we fully engage and show up for this existence, there is an incredible amount of teachings available to us in all that we experience. And so, I love to emphasize that I am a student of life, for life. 
More officially though, I hold certifications as a Permaculture Designer, Birth Doula, Postpartum Doula, Childbirth Educator, Breastfeeding Counselor, Herbalist and Holistic Life Coach.
My additional training includes 12 years of shamanic plant medicine work, 15 years of yoga, meditation, tai chi, and perhaps most importantly, 9 years of motherhood.
I have been working as a personal coach & mentor for 8 years, and facilitating women’s circles and retreats for 9 years.

Get in touch.

If you’d like to discuss working together in the form of collaborations, creative projects and beyond, let’s connect. Please reach out and share what you have in mind.

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