Sacred Rage

Online Women’s Anger Management Group

Sacred Rage

Online Women’s Anger Management Group

We begin August 5th, 2024

As passionate, sensitive, deep-feeling women, it is our responsibility to learn how to work with our intensity and learn to channel & direct our power with consideration, awareness and grace. When our fire gets out of control, those around us, especially our most cherished loved ones, suffer. And so do we.

Anger is not the enemy, it is a communication signal from within. In this group, as a sisterhood committed to our growth and to supporting one another’s continued awakening, we will learn skills for nervous system regulation, rituals & tools for personal transformation, and practices for moving & expressing our energy more productively & effectively.

This experience is designed for women who are ready, inspired, and committed to taking a deep dive into reconnecting with their most authentic selves, and stepping up into new levels of alignment in all areas of life. Together we will study the art of tending our inner fires and learn how to work with it more intentionally than ever before.

Included in this experience:

  • Weekly live group calls:

    • 2 hrs on Mondays (3-5pm PST) These calls include elements of group coaching, raw & unfiltered Q&A, community connection & support, movement, meditation, journaling + more.

  • Bonus live group calls every Full Moon.

  • Weekly emails with recordings & re-caps of our live calls, journal prompts, inspiration + more.

  • 24/7 access to our private online community space for support + connection in between our live calls.

  • 20% discount on private coaching sessions with Alexandra

I’m Alexandra and I will be guiding us in this journey.

As a life coach, doula and student of many healing modalities, I have been facilitating women’s circles and retreats for 9 years. After 6 years of attending a local women’s anger management group, my therapist + coach strongly encouraged me to create & facilitate my own, with a bit more of a spiritual component than the straight-up mainstream ones we commonly find. I am SO excited to explore the depths of our inner intensity together and help you to feel more equipped, empowered, and connected to a greater sense of inner peace & joy through this BEAUTIFUL & magical yet sometimes absolutely maddening modern existence.

pricing + payment options

Join Sacred Rage

We are so excited to welcome you into our amazing community! Over the last 8 years, women have joined Alexandra’s circles from all over the world…

36 countries including Argentina, Australia, Belize, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Cape Verde, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Denmark, England, France, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Holland, Italy, India, Israel, Mexico, New Zealand, Norway, Pakistan, Peru, Portugal, Scotland, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, The Philippines, Venezuela, Wales, ​and 42 US states including Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, North Carolina, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia and Wisconsin.