Mama Council

Beautiful woman, you are invited to join Mama Council, a worldwide intentional community focused on cultivating connection and support among heart-centered mothers.


Hello, I’m Alexandra and I will be guiding us in this Mama Council journey.

I am a freebirthing mother, full spectrum doula and women’s life coach living in Northern California. I created Mama Council in 2017 when I realized how deeply mamas need each other.

My own journey into motherhood was extremely isolating. I lived far from all family & friends and I longed for likeminded mamas to connect with and to receive guidance & inspiration from. I needed to know I wasn’t alone, and that others could relate to the profound initiations & transformations that were occurring within me.

I knew there had to be women out there walking a similar path who were looking for me just as I was looking for them.

I felt so held by the land & my partner in my entrance to motherhood, yet I had not a single mama friend to talk with about what I was experiencing, to validate my feelings and encourage me to trust my inner compass. I needed sisters who could understand how full on, humbling & empowering it all was. I desperately longed to witness & be witnessed, to hold & be held.

From this realization of the importance of mothers having access to honest, nurturing, sisterly connection, Mama Council was born.

If you are looking for a safe, supportive, nourishing space to consistently relax into and grow from alongside other mamas who relate and care, I invite you to join our circle.

You don’t have to walk alone. We aren’t meant to!!

All my love,


Welcome, precious mamas.

Mama Council is a women’s circle dedicated to the well-being of mothers and their families. ​Together we hold a safe and intimate space for us to dive deep into honest conversations about intentional motherhood.

We circle up via Zoom for 2 hours each week to connect, relate and share authentically from our hearts about our journeys as mothers; ​the beauty and magic as well as the pains and challenges, and anything in between.

- - - topics & questions we explore together - - -

Intuition & Instincts. Maiden to Mother Transition. Sensitivity as a Superpower. Routine & Rhythm. Holistic Health. Family Dynamics. Setting & Upholding Boundaries. Conscious Communication. Ritual & Ceremony. Pregnancy. Birth. Breastfeeding. Postpartum Nourishment. Elimination Communication / Diaper-Free Living. Co-Sleeping. Self-Love & Self-Care. The Beauty & Blessing of Homemaking. Nervous System Regulation. Herbal Allies. Softening into our Feminine Essence. Primal Movement. Passion. Purpose. Prayer. and so much more!

​What is our role & responsibility as mothers in these times?
How do we get our own needs met so we can continue to wholeheartedly show up for our families?
How do we hold safe, solid, loving space for our children who are growing up in such an intensely overstimulating and sometimes very scary world?
How can we weave threads of ancient wisdom into the fabrics of modern reality and rebuild a world where we can experience true harmony, health and fulfillment?


Our live video calls happen via zoom. In person gatherings are also encouraged among the mamas in the group!

I’m more myself after this circle than pretty much any other experience of my life. I feel deeply held and so, so loved. And I have so many more tools to deal with whatever comes on my path.
— Ivonne, Scotland (2020)
Mama council has been an incredible gift and I hope you know the impact you are making. I feel like I have found my circle of mamas. This group has created such a powerful space for us to feel seen as we collectively unite in mothering from a place of honesty and joy. Because of this I have connected with my purpose in being a mom, and trusting the ground beneath me even as things become hard. Thank you, thank you, thank you! 
— Kate, Woodacre, CA (2023)
I feel a new lightness inside myself, more patience and understanding toward my partner and son. I feel inspired, full of ideas and fresh energy. It’s amazing how such a simple, conscious thing can bring so much to a depleted mother.
— Riley, Vancouver, BC (2018)

As mothers, we give & give around the clock. We realize that it is not sustainable to give from an empty cup.

Being a part of this circle is a way of consistently coming home to ourselves, co-regulating with other women who care, and filling our own cups so that we can be better mothers and happier women.

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Mama Council Application + Registration

You are not alone.

You never have been.

As a sisterhood, we have been praying for you and your family, holding you in our hearts, ​and we are SO happy to welcome you into this space here and now.

Mamas, I see you and I bow to you.
​The modern paradigm has not set us up for success.​
In many ways, we have lost our villages as well as our freedom to live in harmony with the land and with each other. We've been separated and turned against one another and now find ourselves in isolated situations where everyone has to do everything alone.

We are severely lacking rituals & ceremonies which honor & acknowledge the rites of passage & initiations that we go through as mothers, and the pressure to hold it all together can feel beyond overwhelming.

We need access to honest, solution-based conversations where we can relate and share stories, information and inspiration without feeling pressured or judged.

We need safe, warm, heart-centered environments where we can be witnessed, heard, accepted, uplifted and unconditionally supported by other mamas who relate and sincerely care for our well being.


Do I have to be a mother to join this circle?
No, this circle is open to any woman who is interested in participating in honest dialogue about the journey of motherhood. In fact, it is deeply beautiful & beneficial for women who are interested in someday becoming mothers to be present in spaces like this. We have had many stepmothers, future mothers, pregnant mothers, and women deciding if they'd even like to have children join this circle in the past.

Can I have my child(ren) with me on the call?
Yes, absolutely. Everyone will be muted when not sharing to minimize background noise. You are also welcomed to come & go as you and your children need. Recordings are sent out within 24hrs of the live call which makes it easy to catch up on anything you might have missed.

What will be expected of me in this circle?
All are welcomed to share but it is not ever required. If you are in more of a listening space and don't feel comfortable sharing out loud, that is 100% ok. Really all that is expected of each participant is respect of the confidentiality agreement, meaning all that is shared in the circle remains in the circle.

If I am unable to participate, can I receive a refund?
Once you have secured your space and the circle has begun, the space can no longer be offered to someone else. For this reason, refunds are not able to be offered. However, under special circumstances credit can be offered either toward a space in future circles or private sessions together. I want everyone to feel fully honored & supported and am willing to be flexible and creative with how we deal with these kinds of situations.

Women have joined us from all over the world…

36 countries including Argentina, Australia, Belize, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Cape Verde, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Denmark, England, France, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Holland, Italy, India, Israel, Mexico, New Zealand, Norway, Pakistan, Peru, Portugal, Scotland, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, The Philippines, Venezuela, Wales, ​and 42 US states including Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, North Carolina, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia and Wisconsin.